What products do we offer?


The cold rolling process has been used for centuries, especially in the goldsmith sector. The rolling operation consists of the repeated passage between the cylinders of the material to be rolled, progressively reducing the space in which it must pass, until reaching the optimal thickness necessary for subsequent processes.

The cold rolling obtainable with our rolling mills can be performed for various types of materials, where hot rolling is not necessary or possible; or when the small size and quantities of the product do not justify the use of expensive systems.


Rolling performed with this methodology has positive effects: it does not oxidize the surface of the metal and gives the structure excellent resistance with a homogeneous and uniform distribution of the fibers. The rolling process can also be used to modify the shape of the material, with the appropriate cylinders round sections can be reduced, or simple geometric shapes can be created, the cylinders can be modified and made, according to specific needs, this makes our rolling mills usable also in sectors other than goldsmithing.


Rolling mills have in fact been used in the field of medicine and laboratory experimentation, when thickness reduction was essential for more detailed analyses. By carrying out the rolling operations in the correct way, supported by technological knowledge of the material being treated, significant reductions are possible even up to reaching thicknesses of tenths of a millimetre (0.1 mm) and for some materials even lower values ​​(0.07 mm).


The materials used, new to the sector, but widely used in fields such as aeronautics and motoring, have allowed us to combine resistance and durability with lightness and shape


For the structures of the motor rolling mills, we have favored stability and essentiality, reducing to a minimum the fairings that are sources of noise and unnecessary costs. Our simple and at the same time advanced structure allows you to work in complete safety and comfort.


The load-bearing structure rolling mills have a closed-circuit cylinder lubrication system, thus preventing the final product or any processing residues from becoming contaminated, making recovery operations more difficult and expensive.


Various types of accessories compatible with the rolling mills we produce, to guarantee maximum efficiency

*The photos and product sheets are for illustrative purposes only, the Bei company reserves the right to make changes

A team of expert technicians are at your disposal


We are sure that you will be rewarded by the results you will get from our rolling mills.